Dogodki in novice

News and Events

A wide range of projects and activities take place at Gimnazija Vič both inside and outside the classroom. This is your opportunity to find out more about these through the summaries and reports presented here through the school year.

– A –

ART photography course


Towards the end of the year, a group of students with a keen interest in photography spent several weeks taking part in a special workshop as part of the ART creative course.

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– B –

Blood drive 2023


On 8th March, a blood donation campaign was organised for the students of Gimnazija Vič who were old enough to take part.

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Budapest visit – February 2023


On 17th February, a small delegation from our English department travelled to Budapest to meet up with our colleagues from Közgazdasági Politechnikum Alternatív Gimnázium, one of our partner schools in creative projects.

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– C –

Christmas 2023


As we approached the December holidays, a number of different events took place at Gimnazija Vič to make sure that we all managed to get into the festive spirit.

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Cutting Edge conference


On Thursday, 21st September 2023, some students of Gimnazija Vič were invited to participate and present their projects at the Cutting Edge conference, which took place at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Ljubljana. We participated in a special section of the conference called Young Minds, which was a new addition to this year’s conference and was designed to allow students with a passion for science to discuss their research.

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– D –

Day of Youth 2024


Friday, 24 June marked the annual Day of Youth at our school, during which normal classes are put to one side for the day and other activities are enjoyed instead.

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– E –

Erasmus+ Green STEM project


During the last week of April, a delegation of teachers and students from Gimnazija Vič travelled to North Macedonia to meet up with our partner schools in the Erasmus+ Green STEM project.

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Exam results 2022/23


Before the long summer break begins, all four year groups at Gimnazija Vič have different exams and tests to take as a way of showing their progress across the different subjects studied.

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– G –

GreenSTEM international cooperation


Since 2022, Gimnazija Vič has been part of GreenSTEM (Green Science Teaching Materials for digital learning). This is an Erasmus project that also involves schools from Croatia, Romania, and North Macedonia. This year marked an important part of our participation as it was our turn to be the host school.

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– H –

Halloween 2023


This year, students from Gimnazija Vič marked Halloween with a range of events organised by the school’s student council.

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Health Week 2023


Every year, 7th April is marked as World Health Day and teachers across different departments at Gimnazija Vič use this as inspiration for a range of special classes, presentations, and activities.

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– I –

IATEFL English Competition 2023

Through the school year, students from our 3rd Year classes have taken part in a range of different tests as part of the competition for the IATEFL organisation in Slovenia. These start at a school level before moving on to cover the different regions across Slovenia. Then the students who have proved themselves to be in the top group for the country take part at the national level competition.

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IATEFL English Competition 2024

IATEFL video competition 2023

IATEFL Video Competition 2024

– J –

Jordan excursion

– K –

KarMUN Conference – March 2023

– L –

Language Week 2023

Literary event – Ithaca

Literary event – January 2023

Literary event – “Memory and Premonition”

– M –

MiniMUN Conference

MiniMUN – Kranj Conference

MUN Conference – Budapest 2024

MUN Conference – November 2023

MUNLawS conference – December 2023

Musicals@Vič 2023

Musicals@Vič 2024

Music department concert 2024

– O –

Open Day 2023

Open day 2024

– P –

Physics Advent calendar – December 2022

Physics in Advent 2023

– S –

School exchange – Netherlands

School exchange – Netherlands – Part two

School exchange with the Netherlands

School Visit: Italy – January 2023

School visit: Singapore – May 2023

Science Olympiad 2023

– T –

Theatre Group: The Naked Pianist

– V –

VičMUN 2023

Vičstock 2023

Visiting Theatre Group: Božekako

– W –

World Book Night 2023

World Book Night 2024

World Scholars Cup 2024 – Regional Round

– Y –

Young Athlete of the Year 2022

For more events, see the archive.